Automated Trading

Don’t have the time to trade?

Using our powerful proprietary trading platform, we are able to offer anyone and everyone the ability to take advantage of day trading on the markets. Perfect for users who have other obligations and can’t find time to trade, or simply don’t have interest in it.

Introducing Mimic.Trade

Mimic.Trade is designed for both busy and inexperienced traders. Using a proprietary strategy developed by a former Credit Suisse Multi-Asset Strategist, Mimic.Trade automates trading by connecting the user’s account to an advanced algorithm that executes trades automatically based on proven methods refined by Homegrown Investments. White-label solutions are also available for potential partners interested in leveraging our proprietary algorithm or system.

A ground breaking, proprietary trading system that meets every traders needs.

Automated Executions​

From entry to exit and everything in between, with your account linked to our automated system you will see any security traded on the linked portfolio to be executed in the same way it would be for our own portfolio, to yours, and completely autonomously!

Full User Dashboard​

Just because we automate the process doesn't mean we cut you out of the equation. Our system offers a full fledged user dashboard where you can manage your followed portfolios, risk profile, see what trades have been made for you, and more!

Portfolio Trade Tracker

As mentioned above, our dashboard includes an advanced and AI based trade trackers which lets you see what trades where made for you as well as compare metrics to other traders (when applicable) so that you can be given AI generated suggestions on who to follow.

Multiple Assets and Brokers

When Mimic.Trade was first introduced, it's main goal was to automate the mimictry of option contract entries and exits for followed traders but has since expanded to Whole shares, Forex, Futures and Crypto as well. We even have added advance strategy adoption too.

Is Automated Trading Right for You?
Mimic.Trade was built for everyone.

Schedule an appointment with one of our community team members if you would like to learn more about Mimic.Trade and if it's right for your needs.